Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Advance Course

Well as i said my next post will be about the vikas puri YES!+ but i'm in no mood to write about it now after what has happened in the last four days. I just did an Advance Course with Rishi Nityapraygaji (nitin bhaiya as he's usually called).

This Advance course was very special n unique. I was into seva for last three months and all the seva was out of the comfort zone. I was literally out of house for these months. During this time lot of doubts and questions were there in my mind n i wanted them to be answered. To get the answers of all the questions this was perfect.

As i entered the hall on reporting there was a beautiful Quote by Guruji-"Silence is the goal of all answers. If an answer does not silence the mind, it is no answer." This made me sure that Guruji has sent me to the right place n at the right time.

The course started in all bliss. Rishiji's satsang was evergreen as ever. Every song gives you connection with the GURU and i actually love the satsangs in the advance courses. The course with the knowledge that gave me the complete world. This knowledge is actually priceless. No one can buy it yet i got it very easily. there were some very interative processes. Then the satsang in the evening was again as blissful as ever. Then after the satsang the silence dawned in and every one became one with the self.

The first day of the silence was not easy yet it was interesting. The AC's in the haal stopped working. The heat was not bearable and to put a cherry on the cake the flies (makhian) were partying around the hall. The meditations were fantastic with flies. As Guruji used to say "Hollow n Empty" the flies use to sit on the face. But the meditations took me more deep inside. The food was as usual satvick n very light. The satsang was a very senti one as Sidharth Mohan joined in the Satsang Gang with his guitar.

The second day was much better. The flies were still there but we had accepted them as they are!!! Generally we need to accept people as they are but in this course we had to accept flies as they are!!! The Meditations got more deeper and everything within me was falling back into place. Then finally came the satang time. The satsang was again a senti one. In the satsang Rishiji said " Guruji is BHAI, the teachers are CIRCUIT and the volunteers are TAPOREES!!"
Then he added to it that BHAI called up and asked "Kahan Ho??" and he replied "Delhi mein". Then Bhai told to get some person along( i don't remember the name of the person). Then Rishiji added to fun as he said "BHAI tum Padhai Karo apun body leke aayega"!!!!! It total fun to hear this!!!

The third day was more deeper. All the questions seemed to get answered. Every doubt in the mind was clear. The silence finaaly got over. It was just total bliss to be in. Then the discussion started on seva. Rishiji asked how many of you want to be CIRCUIT's??? Around 90 people said they would like to be CIRCUIT's even I was one of them. Then Rishiji took a seperate session with the aspiring teachers. He actually told us how to go about it. Then i had a minute talk with him about the seva i have been doing and he told me to go for the Teachers(or Circuit) Training Course.

This Course was to be an AMC i.e Advanced Meditation Course but it was rather an ADSNMC i.e Advanced Divya Samaj ka Nirman Meditation Course. A lot to learn and experience from this course. This was my best Art of Living Course till date.

There were lot of things that i had experienced that i can't even express on paper. Rishiji seems to be a perfect CIRCUIT of our BHAI. Love you Rishiji for giving me such an experience.

I really thank BHAI (GURUJI) for bringing me into this knowledge. It has all been BHAI's Grace throughout the journey.
