Thursday, April 16, 2009

Election Update!!!!!

What is the Govt. doing with all our money ?

According to the Comptroller & Auditor Generals report on their website, Chapter 2 Comments on Accounts, the following glaring findings are documented
Section 2.2 Unascertainable unspent balances in the accounts of Implementing agencies
For the year 2007-08 , the Union Govt. made a provision for transfer of central plan assistance of Rs. 51259.85 crore directly to state/district level autonomous bodies, authorities societies etc for implementation of centrally sponsored schemes. T hese have not been spent fully by the implementing agencies and lie unspent in their accounts.The report clearly say "the aggregate amount of unspent balances in the accounts of the implementing agencies kept outside Govt. accounts is not readily ascertainable. The Govt. expenditure as reflected in the accounts to that extent is therefore overstated"

Where is this Rs. 51259.85 crore gone ????
Section 2.3. Opaqueness in Govt. accounts

Scrutiny of Union Govt. Finance accounts 2007-08 disclosed the Rs. 20273.52 crore under 28 major heads of accounts was classified under minor head '800-other expenditure' in the accounts constituting more than 50 % of the total expenditure under respective major heads.

This indicates a high degree of opaqueness in the accounts, the report says. It also says that the existing structure of the Govt. accounts does not truly reflect the current activities of the Govt. in these Ministries /Depts.

What all is the Govt. hiding from its people ???
What is it really doing with the tax payers money ???
Section 2.4 Understatement of Balances under Universal Service Obligation Fund

The USO fund was set up in April 2002 for achieving universal service objectives of increasing tele density in rural and remote areas. The resources for this are raised through universal access levy which is payable by all telecom operators under various licencesA total Universal service levy of Rs. 20404.44 crore was collecte d during 2002-03 to 2007-08 by the DoT but a disbursement of only Rs. 6371.44 crore was made from the USO fund. Thus the closing balance of the fund on 31st March 2008 should be Rs. 14099 crore as against the NIL balance shown under that head !!!! The report says that "closing balance of the USO fund as on 31st March 2008 was therefore understated by Rs. 14033 crore "
The report also says that this matter was presented to the parliament but no action has been taken.

Where has this Rs. 14033 crore gone ???
Section 2.5 Overstatement of capital expenditure

The Govt. transferred Rs. 6500 crore in 2006-07 and Rs. 6000 crore in 2007-08 to the Social and Infrastructure Development fund (SIDF) for initiatives like upgradation of industrial training institutes, training of farmers etc. Thus ent ire amount was booked as capital expenditure in the accounts of these 2 yearsThe report says that examination of the expenditure of Rs. 3447.75 crore incurred during 2007-08 disclosed that Rs. 1586.75 crore was of revenue nature. It says that capital expenditure in the Consolidated Fund of India 2006-07 was thus overstated to the extent of at least Rs. 1586.75 crore. For 2007-08 capital expenditure of Rs. 6000 crore is overstated.

This means that the Govt. is fooling us by telling us that they are spending our money on development where as they are really spending it on something else. Wh ere has this money gone ?

Politics - a service or a profession!!!!

Politics is no more a service but it is a profession!!!!
Lets see how..........
Salary & Govt. Concessions for a Member of Parliament (MP)
  1. Monthly Salary: Rs. 12,000/-
  2. Expense for Constitution per month: Rs. 10,000/-
  3. Office expenditure per month: Rs. 14,000/-
  4. Traveling concession (Rs. 8 per km): Rs. 48,000/-
  5. Daily DATA during parliament meets: Rs. 500/day
  6. Charge for 1 class (A/C) in train: Free (For any number of times All over India)
  7. Charge for Business Class in flights: Free for 40 trips / year (Withwife or P.A.)
  8. Rent for MP hostel at Delhi: Free.
  9. Electricity costs at home: Free up to 50,000 units
  10. Local phone call charge: Free up to 1, 70,000 calls.

TOTAL expense for a MP [having no qualification] per year: Rs.32,00,000/-

i.e. 2.66 lakh/month

TOTAL expense for 5 years: Rs. 1, 60, 00,000/-

For 534 MPs, the expense for 5 years: Rs. 8,54,40,00,000/-

Nearly 855 crores

AND THE PRIME MINISTER IS ASKING THE HIGHLY QUALIFIED, OUT PERFORMING CEOs TO CUT DOWN THEIR SALARIES.... ..This is how all our tax money is been swallowed and price hike on ourregular commodities. ........And this is the present condition of our country...........

Why vote??????

Vote For Transform - Vote Today - For Better Tomorrow

At the Art Of Living Course called Utsav in Pune, Maharashtra, India
after a very spirited discussion on voting and such
like, one of the guys got up and asked a very fundamental question… Why

If you check out the polls, you will see that in most constituencies, a max
of 60% people go and vote (shocking!). Now this 60% of the votes is
typically shared between 4-6 candidates who may be contesting the election
for that place. Even assuming that only 3 are the popular ones, the vote
distribution will be approximately 10-15% each (of the 60) among the popular
ones and the rest among the others. So we will usually have a victory with
just 15-20% of the votes of a given constituency! So a person will come into
power with a “majority” vote of just 15-20%, usually much less, maybe even
10-12%!!! This in itself is pretty flawed according to me, you will have a
very hard time convincing me that 49% is a majority, let alone 12-20%.

Our politicians seem to be pretty good at maths, and they have done this calculation, and so know that to win an election, they need to worry ONLY about getting 20% of the votes. So they divided the country into OBC, and SC/ST and minority castes and so on, so that they could see a clear 20% of the population they would need to take care of (appease) so that they would be able to secure their vote and stay/get into power.

When you see it this way, almost every single government policy will make perfect sense